100-1770 Fort Street
Victoria, BC
V8R 1J5
(250) 370-1330
Toll-Free: 1-866-237-0343
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:00pm
Closed Statutory Holidays
Contact Us
OANDP Edge Useful Links
Diabetes Information
International Child Amputee Network
Josh Sundquist, Motivational Speaker, Olympian
Sheila Gabel, Registered Counsellor
War Amputations of Canada
Amputee Coalition of Canada
Many people with amputations experience varying degrees of discomfort in their residual limb(s). Persons with circulatory disease or other types of injuries can experience significant pain before surgery, which may or may not be entirely resolved after limb amputation. Phantom limb sensation and pain are also very common, even among children. At Custom Prosthetic Services Ltd. we work closely with our clients and health care professionals to identify and treat the cause(s) of any limb discomfort or pain. For further and more detailed information on this important subject, see:
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association
Helping Phantom Limb Pain
Helping Phantom Limb Pain (War Amps)
Electromyography and Phantom Limb Pain
Farabloc Pain-Reducing Fabric
A Look at a Trans Tibial Amputee and Athlete, Meyrick Jones (In 13 parts)
Alberta Amputee Sports and Recreation Association
Cybathlon 2020
Mountain Bike Amputee
National Sports Centre for the Disabled
Vancouver Island Society for Adaptive Snowsports
Canadian Adaptive Snowsports
National Ability Center Alpine Skiing & Snowboarding
Paddy Rossbach Youth Camp
Paralympic Association
Rick Hansen Institute
Terry Fox Run Website
BioDapt Performance Prosthetics and Adaptive Equipment
Alternative Prosthetic Services (for cosmetic coverings)
The Alternative Limb Project (for cosmetic coverings)
Alleles Design Studio (for cosmetic coverings - Canada)
ALPS South Corporation
College Park
Endolite North America
Farabloc Pain Reducing Fabric
Kingsley Manufacturing
Knit Rite
Liberating Technologies Inc.
Motion Control
Naked Prosthetics (for finger amputations)
Willow Wood
Ortho Europe
Otto Bock
Rampro Activankle
Royal Knit Stump Socks
RSL Steeper
Texas Assistive Devices
Therapeutic Recreation Systems
iLimb Hands